Otok Cultural Institute

From Culture.si

Otok Cultural Institute (otok meaning "island" in Slovenian) is a non-profit cultural organisation for the development of film culture that operates in Ljubljana and Izola. It was established in 2003 to manage the first Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival. Its main activities include: promotion of film culture, organisation of international film festival, film education workshops and lectures, active inclusion of youth and local population.

In 2005, the Otok Cultural Institute got the first Golden Nest Award for the creation of production conditions that enhance the very creativity and the development of film culture.

Outside the time of the festival the main activity of the Otok Cultural Institute is organising various film events and distributing films. The first film distributed by the institute was Baboussia by Russian director Lidia Bobrova, which won the Audience Award at the first Kino Otok festival of 2004. The Otok Cultural Institute got the EU Media support for the distribution of the Czech documentary Czech Dream (Czech: Český sen, 2004) about a large-scale hoax in the Letňany neighbourhood of Prague.

See also

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Otok, zavod za razvijanje filmske kulture Ljubljana +
Otok, zavod za razvijanje filmske kulture Ljubljana +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 6 +
Otok Cultural Institute (otok meaning "island" in Slovenian) is a non-profit cultural organisation for the development of film culture that operates in Ljubljana and Izola. +
Otok Cultural Institute (otok meaning "island" in Slovenian) is a non-profit cultural organisation for the development of film culture that operates in Ljubljana and Izola. +
+386 / 1 431 8008 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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