Otok Cultural Institute
- Movies In Motion, 2020
Project summary - 16. Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival, 2020
Project summary - The Film Corner Reloaded – kulturološki pristop, 2018
Project summary - Moving Cinema, 2018
Project summary - 14. Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival, 2018
Project summary - Kino Otok Isola Cinema 2016, 2016, Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival
Project summary - AREM (Akcija! Raziskava evropske metodologije za filmsko pismenost), 2015
Project summary - Distribution: Cesky Sen, 2005
Project summary Show more
Outside the time of the festival the main activity of the Otok Cultural Institute is organising various film events and distributing films. The first film distributed by the institute was Baboussia by Russian director Lidia Bobrova, which won the Audience Award at the first Kino Otok festival of 2004. The Otok Cultural Institute got the EU Media support for the distribution of the Czech documentary Czech Dream (Czech: Český sen, 2004) about a large-scale hoax in the Letňany neighbourhood of Prague.
See also
External links
- Otok Cultural Institute (Festival) website (in English, Italian and Slovenian)